Secure & reliable cloud email
Rediffmail Enterprise Pro is a robust emailing system that will handle all your heavy interoffice emails, over a secured network & will protect your sensitive communications.
Rediffmail Enterprise Pro is a robust emailing system that will handle all your heavy interoffice emails, over a secured network & will protect your sensitive communications.
Digital Birbal Hybrid is the most cost efficient enterprise email service that our industry has to offer.
Keep your workhorse email accounts on industry’s best performing Google Mail infrastructure.
And delegate everything else to Rediff Enterprise email for optimal and cost-efficient email service.
Abacus Hybrid is the most cost efficient enterprise email service that our industry has to offer.
Keep your workhorse email accounts on industry’s best performing Google Mail infrastructure.
And delegate everything else to Rediff Enterprise email for optimal and cost-efficient email service.
We understand that organizations may not always need top notch infrastructure for some of their emails.
Digital Birbal Hybrid gives them just the right email service without compromising security for sensitive accounts.
In fact, Digital Birbal Hybrid is a more popular email service than any of other individual email services.
The only constant is change. This axiom is especially true in case of business IT.
Abacus Hybrid is fully scalable, from a few accounts to thousands of them, with ratio of your choice.
Plus assured support for almost any type of problem. From setting up Outlook to troubleshooting, we’re here to help.
From 500 plus large organizations to small businesses, we have served almost all types of business.
The only thing that separates us from competition is our dedication to customer satisfaction.
No matter what or how large the problem is, we are always there to help you out. That’s our promise.